Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 22
3. Tantric Edging
Tantric edging is the practice of having sex and coming to the very edge of
an orgasm, without reaching the point of ejaculation/climax. This is an
ancient Tantric practice that helps to increase your energy, focus, and
inspiration. Tantric edging also helps to boost your creativity and is great for
those who suffer from chronic fatigue or depression.
4. Orgasmic Visualization
Visualizing is a simple sexual transmutation technique. The only thing that
this practice requires is having a clear intention before engaging in sex.
Think about what you would like to direct your energy toward the most.
Perhaps you want to finish that college degree, master a skill you’ve been
itching to learn, achieve an important goal, or even have a profound spiritual
experience of some
kind. Whatever is important to you, carry it with you into sex. (Remember,
this must be a realistic goal.)
As you engage in sex and reach the point of orgasm, visualize yourself
achieving that dream, goal, or desire. The climax of sexual energy directed
toward the image you’ve created in your mind is powerful. In Tibetan
mysticism, this is known as creating a thought form or tulpa.
Some people feel uncomfortable doing this practice without telling their
partner (it can be perceived as ‘using’ your partner to achieve something
that benefits you). So if that is a concern of yours, have a playful
conversation and let them know.
5. Create a Sigil
A sigil is a symbol that is infused with meaning and intention. This is a
practice that is commonly used in Sex Magick or amongst practitioners of
Western esotericism. Learn more about sigil magic to create a sigil.
After you learn how to create a sigil, you can then ‘activate’ it (and thereby
activate your intention) during sex. At the point of orgasm, focus on your
sigil (which you have put nearby somewhere) and then relax. You have now
planted a seed within your unconscious mind, fuelled by sexual energy.