Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 21

The path of sexual transmutation isn’t about rapidly indulging, denying, running away from, or even overcoming the desire for sex. It’s about accepting your sexual drive as an innate part of your nature; as the base notes to your higher symphony. I have seen many who feel as though they should rise “above” their “lower nature” elements, and thus decide to flee from or ignore their sex drive, considering it primitive and even “unspiritual.” Please don’t make this mistake. Sexuality is beautiful. Orgasms are doorways into the Divine. Pleasure is your birthright. Let’s not confine this part of ourselves to the shadow self (either through excessive indulgence or denial). Ultimately, sexual energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed. Most of the following techniques I have experimented with – and they suit both men and women. Feel free to try one practice per week and only try those you feel comfortable or safe doing. Sexual energy transmutation techniques: 1. 7 Day Experiment
 For a whole week try abstaining from any sexual activity – either alone or with someone else. After the week, explore what you think and how you feel. While some people will benefit immensely from this practice (more energy, happier mood, greater creativity), others will struggle with built-up negative energy (anxiety, frustration, grumpy mood). This experiment will tell you whether the path of sexual abstinence or sexual expression suits you more – both are two sides of sexual transmutation. 2. Observe Non-judgmentally If you choose to experiment with the path of sexual abstinence, practice allowing any feelings that arise within you emerge. Try not to judge them, instead, just be an observer. See these feelings as they are, they are natural. Simply observe what these desires and feelings are telling you about yourself. Also, try refraining from labeling them as “sexual energy.” Rather, treat them as a sensation, like when you experience something “hot” or “cold,” and experience them without any expectations of getting rid of them. Some people by simply observing have orgasmic rushes of energy without any physical stimulation.