Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 20

moment of no-mind, a moment when you temporarily merge with Oneness and lose your limited ego. You can also use your sexual energy to fuel your inner work and infuse your path with intensity (especially if you decide to remain celibate). Ancient Hindu philosophy calls this the path of Bhakti or devotional longing. We can see this almost erotic love affair with the Divine within figures such as Sufi poet Rumi, Christian saints such as Teresa of Avila, and Hindu mystics such as Anandamayi Ma. How to Practice Sexual Transmutation When motivated by sexual desire, we develop a vaster imagination, deeper courage, firmer willpower, more tenacious persistence, and flourishing creativity that we weren’t even aware of. If the sexual energy within humanity can become so strong that it moves us to hurt others or risk imprisonment to satiate it, imagine what could happen if we harnessed this energy and directed it toward a greater purpose? Before I delve into how to practice sexual transmutation, I want to put a disclaimer here: