Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 19

Apart from the Tantric and Taoist sexual energy practices, there are countless other references to the hidden powers within sex. Kabbalah, for instance, sees sexual desire as the deepest spiritual expression one can have. And in Yogic philosophy, our pure sexual energy is dormant until awakened in its highest form known as “Kundalini.” Many esoteric groups also practice something called “Sex Magick,” which is connected to psychiatrist Carl Jung’s notion of sexual alchemy (similar to Freud’s sexual sublimation). In Sex Magick, it is taught that with enough will, we can transform the raw energy of our libidos into the transcendent power of creativity. Sexual Energy = Intense Creativity Frequent sex has often been perceived, in many religious traditions, to be a kind of distraction. And while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying regular sex, there’s so much more to the libido then just getting off (orgasming). Sex, other than being a source of pleasure, can also be channeled into any form of creation – from writing that book you’ve been meaning to pen to mastering the art of intuition. As sexual energy is creative energy, it makes sense to make the most of its innate benefits. Just look at the likes of Immanuel Kant, Lewis Carroll, and even Emily Dickinson – all practitioners of sexual transmutation (in their own way)! It’s true that after having sex, we feel more relaxed – and this is because the body’s energy and motivation have been temporarily depleted. But imagine what would happen if you used that burst and release of sexual energy toward fulfilling a dream or goal. There are many ways to do this. Visualisation is probably the most common method (we’ll explore more practices soon). Sexual Energy = Spiritual Transformation There are two sides to the path of sexual transmutation: sexual abstinence and sexual expression. What path you decide to walk depends on your libido, character, and personal needs. Regardless of what path you choose, your sexual energy can be channeled toward feeling closer to the Divine and more in touch with your Soul. Indeed, the moment of orgasm is a holy glimpse into the Divine – it is a