Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 18

goals, manifesting dreams, and experiencing deeper states of consciousness. Famous examples of people who practice sexual transmutation (either knowingly or unknowingly) include:
 • Nikola Tesla • Joan of Arc • Gandhi • Richard Wanger • Maria de Naglowska • Dante Alighieri • Beethoven • Mother Teresa • Andy Warhol • Henry Thoreau • Leonardo Da Vinci
 9 Benefits of Sexual Transmutation Anyone with a sex drive (no matter how big or small) can practice sexual transmutation. This is also a practice that suits anyone of any spiritual or religious persuasion (as long as that religion embraces sex as a natural and healthy experience). Some of the most commonly noted benefits include: 1 More focus and mental clarity 2 Increased creativity 3 Enhanced motivation and drive 4 Boost of physical energy (good for those who suffer from fatigue) 5 More assertiveness and confidence 6 Improved mood 7 Greater ability to manifest change 8 Heightened self-awareness 9 Intensified spiritual experiences Sexual Transmutation Throughout History Ancient cultures have, for thousands of years, recognized the power and force of the libido. While some have condemned and feared it (as the mighty force it is), others have celebrated and channeled it.