Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue- 10, 1 April 2020 | Page 22

• Instead of having something to prove, simply love the one who came here to play. • Instead of bossing yourself around and measuring your progress through spiritual obedience, just love the one who refuses to listen. • Instead of trying to believe, simply love the one in doubt. • Instead of trying whatever you attempt, just love the one who needs permission to be. Whatever arises – love that. This seemingly ‘simple’ radical acceptance practice actually takes a lot of effort and can be strengthened through daily practices such as mindfulness and meditation. You can apply this philosophy to anything in life – even the  inability  to love all that arises is an opportunity to forgive and accept yourself! 5. Learn the art of self-care Most of us are terribly disconnected from our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls. We live in a world that encourages us to be externally-focused and outwardly driven. But learning how to love yourself is about going in the  opposite direction  and taking some of your energy and directing it inwards. There are  endless  ways to practice self-care, but to get you started, I recommend starting with your body. Spend time each day connecting with your physicality and explore what you need. Perhaps you are tired and need more sleep, maybe your muscles ache and you need to do some stretches, or you might even need a good nutritious meal. These practices may seem simple, but they send a very direct and powerful message to your conscious and unconscious mind that you are worthy of being cared for! 6. Be your own advocate and stand up for yourself Being your own advocate means exploring what your needs are and respecting them, which is a form of self-love. What is non-negotiable or a deal-breaker in your life? What are your deeply cherished values? What are your boundaries? We all have them. Standing up for what you believe in is a form of self respect. In order to be your own advocate, you need to explore what is making you feel unhappy, depressed or overwhelmed in your life. What lines are being