Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue- 10, 1 April 2020 | Page 21

there and then. But after a few months, I thought, “what the hell!” and gave it a try. And what a humungous difference it made to my life. Instead of getting defensive, I would feel the sting to my ego but another part of me would feel gratitude, gratitude for the chance to grow. So give this mindset trick a spin. See what happens when you start perceiving your imperfection as an opportunity to grow. See what happens when you meet inner challenges with gratitude. 4. Practice loving all that arises Critical and condemnatory self-judgment is the antithesis of self-love. The core reason why we struggle so much with self-love in the first place is that we JUDGE and REJECT ourselves. Don’t get me wrong. Self-judgment is not always a bad thing. We need to be able to measure up our ability to achieve certain tasks at work, as well as understand our strengths and weakness to make smart choices. Not only that, but self-judgment can actually save our lives (e.g. “hmm, I’m too distracted after drinking alcohol so I probably shouldn’t drive on that busy ass highway.) But, here’s the thing. Self-judgment becomes toxic when it is used to negatively scrutinize, minimize, bad-mouth shame or otherwise harm ourselves. Unfortunately, most of us are in the habit of doing this. Thanks to our conditioning as children, it is actually socially acceptable to give ourselves shit because that’s what everyone else has been doing for a long time. One powerful – but not necessarily easy – practice, is learning to love all that arises. And when I write “all” I mean everything! When I write “love” what I mean is embracing and accepting the  nice and nasty, comfortable and uncomfortable things within you. I also refer to this as radical self-acceptance. As writer and teacher Matt Kahn explains: • Instead of trying to shift your feelings, just love the one who can’t stop • • • • feeling. Instead of trying to resolve each fear, simply love the one who’s always afraid. Instead of trying to not take things personally, just love the one who came here to make like personal. Instead of trying to prove your worth, simply love the one who feels worthless, lost, ashamed, and alone. Instead of trying to leap forward in evolution, just love the one who feels left behind.