Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 8
So we can see that these five Vayu or life energy currents govern and
regulate various aspects of our physiological as well as mental and emotional
well being. So being aware of their roles we can easily identify the areas /
aspects of Life energy/ force that we as therapists need to work with in any
case for example if a client comes up with a history of constipation we can
easily identify the imbalance in his APAN VAYU. That is the flow of energy in
his lower abdomen and accordingly choose a suitable modality to harmonise
it, while at the same time guide and advice him on various things he can do to
aid in harmonising his APAN VAYU.
As individuals too we can observe our body breath and well being and work
to optimise the five VAYUS to harmonise our holistic wellness and joyous
May the Light be with you.
Love & Light - Today and Forever
A Prakash (C.Ht.)
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Past Life regression Therapist
Life between Life Therapist
Spiritual Hypnotherapist
Email: [email protected]