Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 7
Imbalances in ‘Saman Vayu’ are manifested in the forms of ‘Apetite
issues’, ‘Indigestion’, ‘Disconnect/ Disharmony’ between our sensory,
external experiences and internal experiences/ reflections.
4. Key to optimise SAMAN Vayu is Abdominal breathing, Kapal Bahti
Pranayam, Harmonising ‘Internal’ and ‘External’ chatter between
thoughts and experiences.
5. VYAN: Referred as Vyan Vayu This energy current ‘Flows’ outward from
the heart centre that is the centre of our chest
region. Flowing out from the heart and lung
region it optimises our circulatory an
respiratory region regulate the ‘distribution’ in
our body. Its imbalance thus manifest as
issues in circulatory system that is the heart or
cardiac issues etc..
Key to optimise ‘Vyan Vayu’ is pranayam
focusing on the heart region and rituals /
practices, that expand our heart and give us Joy.
6. UDAN : Referred as Udan Vayu, it moves
upward in the thoracic and neck region
and is the result of, the optimisation of
rest four Vayus, thereby regulating
growth, expression and vitality/
enthusiasm. It’s imbalance manifests at
issues with expressions like speech
creativity motivation etc..
Key to optimise Udan Vayu is pranayam
with focus on ‘Dyphramatic Breathing mantras’ or chanting and
harmonising the rest four Vayus.