Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 9
‘Hypnotherapy’ and its Various Modalities
for Various Issues.
“Ask and it shell be given to you………………………………..”
Few days back in a conversation with someone, I was explaining what
Hypnotherapy is, and while discussing its modalities we reached to the part
of “Past Life Regression”. Well, in order to explain how regression to Past
life works in terms of healing the trouble or issue we have today; I
concocted an example :
Imagine, someone has severe pain in his back and he has gone through all
kinds of check ups and medications to available modalities, even Xray but
nothing is found at the aforesaid place. and when he comes for
hypnotherapy he went to some past life, where he died being stabbed
through his back. Wound was fatal, and that sever pain was the last thing in
his memory. Which got triggered at some point in this life time and now
hurting him without any physical reason from this birth.
Before I could complete; other person interrupted with very startled
expressions Oh my God!!! My father did have pain in his ‘Back’ and he tried
everything including getting an Xray done, nothing was found yet the pain
was unbearable. Until they met a sage. And, then his father became fully
well by his blessings. Which I assume had a power to clear past life
I was as much surprised as he was….. Over a made up story which had
such real resonance with person concern. Coincidence … ‘No’! I had too
many of such weird coincidences to have stoped using this word altogether.
Everyday in this work I witness miracles. Sometimes its very difficult to find
a balance between those who do not understand what it is, and with my
own inner reality as to what extent things are possible. Grounding is a very
important part of my daily routine since I am literally surrounded by
Miracles. “Ask and it shell be given to you………”