Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 12

about these activities as they were part of our lives in our childhood ☺ simple regular activities: 1. Painting/colouring 2. Music 3. dancing 4. Pottery 5. Gardening 6. Any kind of social work 7. Cooking 8. Reading/writing 9. Spending time with kids etc. Most of these activities we use to do when we were child; and remember, we were almost all the time in present moment, we forgot and forgave very easily, now we are crying and next moment laughing. As a child we were enthusiastic about everything and now nothing ignites enthusiasm in us, why … ?? because we have lost touch with creative side of ours. For us creativity means earning money; now, if it can not give us money we will not do this. So, in a way now we do everything for other’s perspective, how they are going to like it, will I be appreciated, will I get money & fame through it, or for