Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 8, 1, February 2019 | Page 32
Monday, 4 February 2019
Well, at the end of the day Healing is a very serious business. Its a very
serious art. When you are working with others, its like sharing somebody
else’s load for sometime. So things like, showing up on time. Be sincere
and responsible towards other people’s privacy. And be there for them. The
level of commitment it needs is there and Yes; my experience in business
world gave that to me in plenty.
5. How do you see hypnotherapy as a tool of healing?
Everybody has an ability to be a healer. Just like every one has music
innately inside them. What happened, when ‘Industrial Revolution’ has
happened, Society needed more clogs to fit in, the machinery. Which has
changed the education system and eventually, people start forgetting these
innate abilities of themselves.
I think ‘Hypnotherapy’ is a very good tool, which allows to get in touch within
to find the healer in you. And of course to find that healer completely, further
meditation is required.
I see it as guided meditation, and first step towards self.
6. How do you incorporate various healing methods with hypnotherapy?
I have a program which is called “Path to Light” We do it in our centre Solan
and now I am seeing its requirement in western world as well, so I went to
work on something similar in New York as well. In this we use five step.
a.) Knowledge sessions from Gita and Upnishads they can be followed
through my You tube Channel “ The Goldenlight” through that we tell things
to conscious mind.
b.) I call the process of Hypnotherapy as known in west as, *“Yog Nidra” (As
per the Vedic Wisdom) which takes a person to the 4th state of
subconscious mind called “Turiya" state
where one can see, meet, access anything one wants. We use it as guided
c.) self meditation, Nature walk
d.) Practice of Yogic exercises Pranayam