Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 8, 1, February 2019 | Page 33
Monday, 4 February 2019
e.) Art therapy: we give people stone to colour which are plenty on the
centre and then leave them there. we have beautiful colourful stones here,
getting collected over the period of time.
There is a fluidity in whole program in order to facilitate individuality.
7. Tell us something about your speciality in Hypnotherapy.
Well, I have learnt all the tools and I incorporate, every single one of them
as required, so as such no speciality still, every one of them is special. As
per requirements.
8. What is your perspective towards life, since you became a healer and a
Healer!, well, initially I did not like this word healer, as I have associated
certain negative images with that. And once, when one of the therapist I met
“Mona Wind” She said; you are a ‘Healer’, (Please remember I was a
hardcore corporate guy) and I was like what, NO I am not. In my mind
healer was not something, I could associate at that point of time.
Then, during 2014 I went into seclusion lived in nature at our solan site.
Thereafter, my partner Christina came and lived with me. I started working a
lot with my Christina and using the Yog Nidra process I saw beautiful
transformation of her, I saw transformation in self. Earlier when I think of
Healing I was like what is the point of getting into it there is so much
suffering and I could not help them all.
But now my perspective has changed. Why I am trying to heal all? Even If
one person is healed its enough, so now it is one healing at a time that has
grounded me. We all have a limited time span here and whatever healing
can be done why not?
9. What is your most life changing experience during therapy so far?
Some people gave me a lot of insight over the period of three years. The
transformation they have gone through amongst them my partner Christina,