Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume- 3, Issue - 5, 1 November 2018 | Page 10
“Alien” a creature from other planet. And it even sounds weird but
when we talk there are advance knowledge involved and the person
( My Client) concerned is not at all interested in anything remotely
“Alien”, Other planets, constellation was something totally out of
bounce for her. Her life was simple straight forward and very earthy.
Yet here she was completely bewildered as to what was this. And was
very sure its a complete cooked up story.
But please understand the very idea of you not know the subject
even remotely can be, the very reason of its being true.
When we are too much into materialistic life our senses are blurred we
can see and focus on gross things like huge machine and miss the energy
that make it move “electricity” because it is subtler and more powerful than
machine. Similarly there are energies influencing our thoughts most of the
time, communicating with us, through us.
Awareness make us feel this communication, make us see what we are
saying/thinking/doing and why. Even if we can’t distinguish these things
and we doubt, we should follow our doubt till end to see whether it’s right
or wrong instead of proving anything right or wrong with wrong logics or
sometime even trance logic since they are not real.
Chase Truth, don’t stop at any cost for anything less than that and you will
see wonders and miracles. Doubt is good if it leads you to knowledge, to
TRUTH. ... And that leads to Trust based on truth that can help us resolve
any kind of issues in our life.
And, at the end of the day if your story is working for you then its good and
your healing is what matters.
Neha Sharma. (C. Ht.)
Lucknow, India
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Past Life regression Therapist.
Life between Lives Therapist.
Crystal Healer.
Marm"Vedic Science" Therapist.
Art of Living Teacher
Email: [email protected]