Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume- 3, Issue - 5, 1 November 2018 | Page 11

Impressionable Children “Ghost stories and our Subconscious Mind” Case: Ghosts from the past Darkness scared him. He often felt that a female ghost was watching him. As we spoke, he looked repeatedly at the artwork on the wall behind me. It had three female figures clad in village attire. The central figure had large Mona Lisa like eyes that watched you regardless of which angle you looked at the artwork from. I'm uncomfortable he finally muttered, and pointing to the painting he said, I feel that she is going to harm me.  As we worked with this full grown man, many childhood incidents began surfacing. Both his parents used to go to work when he was very young. In the evening his mother had to fetch water from the village well but she was unable to take her two year old son along. At such times the family would convince him to stay back by narrating stories of a female ghost who lived on the tree next to the well and who captured little children like him if they went there. This made the mother's task easy but it also left a deep scar on his