Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume- 3, Issue - 5, 1 November 2018 | Page 9
Our Trust Issues After Trans
Was it all a cooked up story of my own mind???
Sometimes Clients have real hard time to believe, whatever they saw, was
real thing or even associated with that. Which is quite understandable.
Seeing yourself as some glorious creature seems straight out of some part
of book you have read, or something you are already aware of. And seeing
your self as some criminal or some horribly morally wrong character
become too much to bear. Since it does not have any similarity with the
person you are.
Some imaginative clients gets so confused as to think that they are
actually the one who have cooked up this whole story. According to what
they want?
is it possible!!?? Can we tell what we want .. ... do we always know what
we want or do we really know what we want is actually we want or
something else is driving us in that direction or put it that way sometimes
we chase someone/something else’s desires ... ?? Spooky?? Yeah
I share my understanding about this entire scenario ... all of us
played guessing game as a child, something like head/tail of coin, in our
childhood or some play it even after being grownups, so how do we get the
right answer?
Simple, first thought that come to our mind is the answer. Now we were
talking about people who don’t believe in it and feel it’s all hocus-pocus ,
when these people are telling stories (according to them) actually they are
telling first thought that’s coming to their mind like name place events, and
they never thought once why that particular name, place, relation and
event; what is our connection with these things. Lights, Masters, Guides,
spirits or foreign entities or our know it all expandable Subconscious mind
etc.. anything that works at the level of energies usually communicates like
I would like to share a case here. this client of mine has actually seen
herself with the energy which came from “Pluto”. In our words an