Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3 , Issue - 3, September 2018 | Page 31

I've been performing professionally as a musician at a high frequency since I was 15, I still do and hopefully will until 117. Besides this I was involved in product development of stage lighting control systems, writing books about stage lighting design, being the editor for a magazine about stage technology and working as a photographer for a music magazine.  A mix. I added this to the mix.  4. Wow! So, How do you see hypnotherapy as a tool of healing? To bend metal into a new shape without effort you either use brute force or you change the structure of the atoms by heating them, and at a certain temperature you can easily form it into a variety of shapes that will stay strong and resilient immediately after cooling.  5. Awesome. ; How do you incorporate various healing methods with hypnotherapy? Without a healing method hypnosis is just a focused state of mind in which you can elicit some physical or mental phenomenas. Once you incorporate healing recipes it becomes the oven in which the cake is baked. For me my first recipes were the tools of Neurolinguistic Programming, NLP. The simplest techniques such as the Fast Phobia Cure could be learned in an hour and in combination with hypnosis the magic of resolving life long fears of spiders and heights was in my hands. A thrilling experience that makes a very real difference in the clients life. I was hooked. 6. I couldn’t agree more with you being an NLP practitioner myself. Tell us something about Trauma Tapping Technique ? If hypnosis is the power state of change and NLP provides a tool for language-based interventions of facilitation, then the Trauma Tapping Technique is the third pillar of efficient and powerful transformation by providing a direct dialogue with the amygdala, making a reset of any encoded stress, phobia or traumatic reaction possible in a matter of minutes without speaking a word.  I was searching the internet for a powerful intervention beyond words and found Gunilla Hamne who was working with tapping to help survivors of the genocide in Rwanda and liberated child soldiers in D.R. Congo. Her results seemed amazing and I asked her if she would teach me, which she did. I was compelled by the speed, simplicity and results and decided to join her in