Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3 , Issue - 3, September 2018 | Page 30
"Useful, for what?"
"Well, you can dissolve a phobia for example"
"For real? How long will that take?"
"Maybe 20 minutes"
He had my interest. We had just gotten kids and my wife had a phobia for
sharks that she didn't want to transfer to them, so she volunteered to test this
mumbo jumbo. It worked. I had to learn more.
I took a two day training and it was interesting. It made me understand that
what I was already doing with the audience intuitively at a concert basically
followed the process of creating, sustaining and leading a collective trance. I
experimented and wanted more so I looked into more courses and
Neurolinguistic Programming, NLP - which was taught together with
hypnosis. NLP is a modeling and deconstruction of subjective
experience using intuition and looking at process rather than content. It
was developed by a group of people in Santa Cruz, California in the
70's, led by Richard Bander and John Grinder.
Richard and John modelled the work of Virgina Satir (1916-1988), an
A m e r i c a n f a m i l y t h e r a p i s t a n d F r i t z P e r l s , ( 1 8 9 3 –
1 9 7 0 ) , w h o d e v e l o p e d a f o r m o f p s y c h o t h e r a p y t h a t i s
known as gestalt therapy. They were quite successful and went on to study
and model other great communicators such as holistic systems theorist
G r e g o r y
a n d
A l f r e d K o r z y b s k i ( 1 8 7 9 - 1 9 5 0 ) . T h e e m b r a c e d
the work of the famous medical hypnotist Milton Erickson (1901–1980) and
theAmerican linguist, cognitive scientist, philosopher and political commentat
orwho developed transformational grammar near the end of the 1950’s, Noa
m Chomsky (1928).
For me, discovering NLP was like opening the hood of a car and finally
understanding the principles of the engine. Since NLP in part comes
from the process of hypnosis through Milton Erickson it fits seamlessly
into hypnotherapy.
3. I completely agree with you NLP is exactly like a formula behind hypnotherapy.
So tell me, what were you doing before hypnotherapy?