Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 8, (February 1, 2018) | Page 20

triggers are causing tangible physical symptoms/ effects leave alone the rush of hormones that happens in both cases. As hypnotherapists we can tap into this power of mind to create the state of well-being and heal not just mental and emotional aspects but the associated physical traumas and hurt too. Not long ago I had a client who came to me with ‘unease in his chest and a persistent feeling of feeing low in the recent past, after his break up with his partner clearly the hurt of break up was causing Havoc on his mental and emotional well being and manifesting as physical level as a feeling of tightening – pain – unease in his chest region. Use of simple technique of Hypnodrama gave him new understanding of the situation it helped him view the situation objectively thereby giving him immediate relief from the discomfort in his chest region. Later we use other modalities like event recall and evaluation even seeking guidance of his astral guides we were able to create a new and healthy objective oriented view of the whole situation giving him a feeling of calmness, relaxation and awareness. Like wise different tools and protocols of Hypnotherapy can be used to resolved and heal a wide range of emotional and mental issues and traumas. Childhood imprints have been found to be one of the major triggers of a variety of negative and detrimental emotional and mental patterns. A majority of population has issues of ‘ body image’ most of which are results of adverse body image created during child hood. Even casual remarks of parent siblings and close family members create lifetime imprints on the tender psyche of the child. There are innumerable stars and celebrities who have shared such tales, and how they still feel insecure about certain aspects of their personality. Simply because they, as children were laughed mocked or ridiculed for things like body type, height, complexion facial features or bodily shapes even accent etc..