Likewise a lot of client facing emotional and mental issues shared
tales of having suffered child abuse, molestation or inappropriate
touch during their childhood few remember these incident others
don’t as they might have ‘Blocked’ it but given chance they recall it
all and heal themselves. These incidents are common to both male
and female clients but the percentage of female clients who report
having undergone such incidences is much higher than their male
Most of these cases have issues of distrust and suppressed anger
Majority of them have deep guilt issues and face blocks in handling
normal healthy relationships. A lot of them have strong prejudices
regarding sexuality. They as adults may not even be aware as to
why they react and respond in a certain way in their physical
relationships. As the unhealed situation of past have effected their
psyche as adults too. They constantly strive to have happy healthy
relationships but the unhealed wounds of the child within blocks
them in unexpected and unknown ways, which the little child
devise to protect himself when he or she was helpless confused or
traumatized. And they end up attracting insensitive life partners too
as per their own unhealed frequencies.
Protocols like ‘Timeline re-imprinting, Anchoring and Inner child
work can heal with amazing long lasting results while addressing
such cases of childhood incidences.
Like wise integrating positive affirmations with self hypnosis, the
clients can be empowered to heal themselves.
Releasing suppressed anger and healing the hurt is integral to all
cases of childhood incidences, additionally forgiveness and
release of grudge against the perpetrator is key stone to heal in
These protocol may or may not wipe out the memories of those
event but can certainly go a long way to help the client to go
beyond the associated hurt guilt, shame and anger and release the
blocks that may be hampering their current life.
Likewise Fears, Phobias, insecurity, anxiety etc…. have to be
explored not just from the perspective of presenting issues. But we
as therapist need to explore deeper and try reaching the root
cause or the ‘ First trigger’. For it is only when we can dissolve and