Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 12, (1 June 2018) | Page 13

keeping the athlete within the wrong state of mind during the games . Think about it . If your client comes to you for help and you do everything you can to keep him / her in the conscious state of mind . There is little you can do at that point other than teach that person cognitively . However , if you use your training to rest the conscious mind to access the subconscious , the healing modalities we all use can perform miracles within days where that client may have spent years trying to eliminate certain mental blocks .
In baseball these days , our athletes practice different than we did back in the 70 ’ s . Today , hitters practice indoors more so than they do outdoors . In my day , we practiced outdoors all week long to get ready to play on Friday nights and the weekends . Professional ball players play games 6 days a week . So , they may work on individual techniques indoors in the mornings and begin warming up and playing live games that afternoon , within perhaps one day week rest time .
Imagine from a hypnotherapist perspective , that your client has been programming his mind to perform a certain way only to be surprised that his performance is lacking when it truly counts , during the game . I share with my clients that it ’ s the same as if they were asked to study chapter 1 to prepare for a test back in high school only to show up to school the next day to find out that the test is on chapter 3 . They are simply unprepared and are dealing with the anxiety of the event on top of that .
I enjoy teaching my clients cognitively as well as using hypnosis in hypnotherapy sessions because I feel it helps when they fully understand why I ’ m working on several different issues . I help them to use triggers to induce the state during the game . I help them to break old patterns that were actually triggering the wrong state of mind ( Like getting nervous ) before . I assist them to not think during the actual pivotal points when their subconscious should be taking over during the games .
All professional baseball player ’ s statistics are recorded . Everything they do during the game is measured and documented . These statistics during their whole career is what helps to determine how long he / she will be playing the sport as well as how much money they are able to make within the sport . A client who is so focused on their statistics will exhibit high anxiety when the stats begin to decline . Using hypnotherapy can also eliminate this anxiety