Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 12, (1 June 2018) | Page 12

getting into the zone really meant. Throughout my career of playing sports, I never reached that zone the same ever again. In fact, it was a puzzle to me how I was able to reach it even that one time. I had no clue how it happened until over 20 years later when I began to study the mind among other very interesting topics. It wasn’t until I became a Hypnotherapist that I learned how it happened. Not only the “How” it happened in my own personal experience, but “How to” assist others to reach it as well. Today I spend my time teaching and helping others “to get into the zone” when it counts using both my experience and knowledge gained from learning hypnotherapy. The same principles apply to all sports, but I’ve chosen to focus on the one sport I have the most knowledge and that is “Baseball”. I am fortunate today to work with professional athletes who get paid to play the sport. As a hypnotherapist, I’m aware that there are many different forms and approaches to induce the hypnotic state for our clients. The important thing is to reach that point where the subconscious mind is accessible. Once obtained, to assist in guiding the subconscious in producing the more beneficial outcome for the client. What I figured out with my own experience was that I had slipped into an eye opened hypnotic trance like state while still operating physically within the game. The game lasted several hours, and I recall at least 3 times during that game, that I must have entered into this same “in the zoned hypnotic state”. I finally came to the conclusion that the one inducing factor that helped was a “pattern interrupt”. The details to that game I wrote about often in my personal blog and while the details are a bit humorous now looking back on it. I’m confident it was the pattern interrupt that initiated the state of mind I slipped into. If you care to read the details, here is that story. http://tahiltonjr- hypno.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-subconscious-mind-will-take-over-if.html In sports today, our athletes are instructed in so many physical developmental approaches they forget about the mental preparation as well. In fact, I’ve found that all this physical training and teachings are only