Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 12, (1 June 2018) | Page 14

and allow the athlete to focus and visualize the more productive outcome, which in itself helps to produce the very outcome they prefer. Hypnotherapy has allowed me to get back into the game I once loved and it provides me an outlet to help so many other players. I work with student- athletes still in high school as well as those in college that have hopes and dreams of making a career out of their favorite sport. What a blessing. I give the credit to my hypnotherapy training and knowledge in this incredible field of expertise. Thomas A Hilton Jr HMI – Hypnosis Motivation Institute Graduate Certified Hypnotist / Hypnotherapist Specializing in Sports Performance & Mental Training http://www.hypnosiscentersofmississippi.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/tahiltonjr/ email: [email protected]