Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1, Issue 8, (1 February 2017) | Page 12

Importance of words

(“ Negative words have low vibrational frequencies whereas the Positive words have high vibrational frequency .”)
The famous critic Charles Dudley once said , “ everybody talks about it but nobody does anything about it ”.
Most everybody of us recognize the importance of words in our lives but a very few of us actually work on the concept of shaping their lives through words . Numerous writers have dwelt at length about the importance of the Words . Spirituality has compared the words with “ Brahm ” in the scriptures and the later is regarded as the originator of every living and non living matter on this earth .
Spirituality says that every action start from words and these are the external representations of the thoughts lingering in the mind . Educationalists too agree on the linkages between thoughts and personality . It goes like this , “ thoughts become words , words become actions , actions become habits and habits become personality . It is clear that the words give the shape to the reality .
They construct the reality of the outer material world and constantly bombard the gullible part of the brain which we famously known as “ our subconscious mind ”.
Our subconscious mind being the most amazing device every created by the nature , can perform 10 quadrillion ( 15 raised to the power 10 ) i . e . 10000000000000000 calculations per second . It can detect and control even the smallest reaction inside the remotest human cell with perfect accuracy . But it has got a limitation .
The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between the reality and imagination . Whatever we tell our subconscious mind is taken as gospel truth by it and acted upon accordingly . Here comes the importance of words which set the stage for working of subconscious mind .
Communication field widely recognizes the two types of human communication – inter personal and intrapersonal . Former is very clear from its appearance