Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume -1, Issue 7, 1 January 2017 | Page 10

20 – 30 minutes . Don ’ t fill the tub to the top , you ’ ll need to add hot water gradually so the bath stays hot .
You will need to scrub yourself with soap very well after the bath as this mixture will draw a lot of toxin from your skin . The water will look like you never showered before .
Avoid all sugar substitutes . To remove heavy metals : 1 table spoon of lecithin once a day on an empty stomach . 500 mg L-Glutathione 2 – 3 times daily for 5 days of each week .
For access fluoride : 1 / 8 teaspoon of borax dissolved in 1 liter of drinking water . Every 3 days .
Burdock Root ( blood purifier ) – 2 capsules 3 times per day .
Resetting your genes .
Our genes are just imprints of possibilities , and can be switched on and switched off .
One of the ways to switch the bad ones off and turn the good ones on is to go vegan for 7 – 10 days .
No animal products for that time . No dairy , no meat , no fish , no eggs …. Load up on rice and potatoes with lots of fresh veggies and fruits .
You must gradually expand the time between your dinner and the nest day ’ s breakfast . Stretching it from 12 to 18 hours . Intermittent fasting is one of the most powerful ways to switch your good genes on and boost production of human growth hormone which will speed up your rejuvenation . Once you accept the idea that you need a strict meal routine , intermittent fasting becomes very easy and feels natural . Just listen to your body . Eat when you are hungry not when you think you suppose to .
Now , another most important path to switching your good genes on is to rise your vibrations by being super positive . Meditation , self-hypnosis , doing the things you love , nurturing yourself , spending time with people you love and avoiding the toxic ones .
Practice the state of gratitude not just for what you have but also for all the wonderful things that are coming to your life .
This is the time to write your new life story ! Best timing is right before going to sleep . Add a couple of sentences every night . Describe the life you want . Any area – health , relationships , finances …. The trick is to write it as if it already happened . Use present or past tense . You will start to see results in 3 weeks . It takes about that time for your subconscious mind to accept new beliefs . When your beliefs are changed , your body starts emit different signals , it produces