HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 4 | Page 12

E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E
J o h n F . K y n e s – H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n

graceyangnamed2023 hCBaoutstandingLawyer

yLdalsorecognizesoutstandingJuristandyoungLawyers atdiversitymembershipLuncheon .
Grace Yang ’ s resume is truly impressive .
Yang graduated cum laude from Yale University , earned her law degree from Cornell Law School , is a shareholder with the firm GrayRobinson , and is widely recognized as one the preeminent alcohol law attorneys in the country .
For over two decades , Yang has been a constant presence and respected leader in the HCBA and multiple other local voluntary Bar organizations .
So , it was not a surprise — other than to Yang herself — that the HCBA bestowed Yang its highest honor with the 2023 Outstanding Lawyer Award at the HCBA ’ s Diversity Membership Luncheon in January at the Tampa Marriott Water Street hotel .
The criteria for the award says it should go to someone who has exhibited superior legal ability in his or her field of practice ; has demonstrated a high degree
Left to right : John Schifino , 2023 HCBA Outstanding Lawyer Grace Yang , and HCBA President Alex Caballero at the Diversity Membership Luncheon .
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