E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F . K y n e s – H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n
Grace Yang with members of the Asian Pacific American Bar Association Tampa Bay Chapter , of which she is a member .
of professionalism and ethics ; is widely recognized as a mentor to other lawyers ; and someone who has be actively involved in HCBA activities .
Yang was nominated for the HCBA award by the Hillsborough Association for Women Lawyers and the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Tampa Bay .
She is a longtime leader and has served as a board member in both Bar organizations .
“ While Hillsborough County has many outstanding attorneys , Ms . Yang is truly one of the best ,” Yang ’ s nomination statement said .
And while her professional accomplishments are impressive , the statement said , “ what her resume doesn ’ t show is the countless hours , words of advice , guidance , and support she provides to other attorneys .”
Yang served as HCBA president in 2019-20 , the first Asian American to lead the HCBA in its 123-year history .
Former HCBA President John Schifino , who served with Yang on the HCBA board , introduced Yang at the membership luncheon .
“ Grace is an incredibly smart lawyer and good person who led our Bar as president with calm leadership and yes , grace , during the COVID pandemic ,” Schifino said in her nomination statement . “ She was the perfect person to lead during an incredibly challenging time .”
Yang also served as editor of the HCBA ’ s Lawyer magazine from 2010-12 , and she continues to be actively involved in the HCBA ’ s 5K Pro Bono River Run Committee and the HCBA ’ s Diversity , Equity and Inclusion Committee .
In addition , Yang serves as the 2023-24 treasurer of the Hillsborough County Bar Foundation .
Asked about receiving this prestigious award , Yang said she was thankful to the groups that nominated her and for the HCBA for selecting her .
“ I have enjoyed my service and involvement in Bar associations for many years and am deeply touched and honored to be recognized with this award ,” Yang said .
Also at the membership luncheon , the YLD presented its annual outstanding jurist and lawyer awards . The 2023 award winners :
• YLD 2023 Robert W . Patton Outstanding Jurist Award : Hon . Edward LaRose , Florida Second District Court of Appeal
• YLD 2023 Outstanding Government / Nonprofit Lawyer Award : Antina Mobley , Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Public Defender ’ s Office
• YLD 2023 Outstanding Government / Nonprofit Lawyer Award : Calli Burnett , Bay Area Legal Services
• YLD 2023 Outstanding Young Lawyer Award : Sean Bevil , Shumaker
Congratulations to all these deserving HCBA and YLD 2023 award winners . You make the HCBA proud . n
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