HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 4 | Page 11

S e a n P . B e v i l –
Y L D P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E S h u m a k e r , L o o p & K e n d r i c k , L L P
As with the beginning of any new career , young lawyers often come face to face with new experiences that test our abilities and knowledge of the law . In those times , young lawyers could benefit from remembering the value of persistence and of learning to press on through adversity .
The importance of persistence is also prevalent before we even become attorneys . This past February , a new wave of future lawyers gathered to take the bar exam in Tampa . For those bar-takers reading this article and who received news of not passing the exam , know that a single setback does not define your future legal career , and that a number of very successful attorneys did not pass the bar exam on their first attempt .
The YLD provides valuable opportunities to young lawyers and law students for practicing persistence , through the development of legal education , a supportive network , and valuable perspectives . This past January , the YLD hosted a networking happy hour , which boasted a huge turnout of lawyers thanks to the planning efforts of our Social Events Committee . On February 6 , the
YLD hosted its first quarterly luncheon of 2024 , and partnered with the HCBA ’ s Mediation and Arbitration Section to put on an informative panel on effective mediation practices . The event , planned by our Professionalism and Ethics Committee , addressed best practices and methods for young lawyers to use in their first mediations , as well as tips and advice for handling subsequent mediations . This April , the YLD will host a luncheon and roundtable discussion in furtherance of recognizing imposter syndrome in the practice of law , and overcoming it . Lastly , the YLD offers leadership opportunities in our various committees and a chance for young lawyers to stay involved in the legal community .
Young lawyers can find in the YLD , a place to practice persistence , to learn and to grow . As echoed by President Coolidge , the measure of a young lawyer ’ s success rarely comes solely through talent , genius , or education alone . Only through constant practice can we finetune and perfect our legal careers . The YLD is here to help in that task . I would encourage all of Hillsborough County ’ s young lawyers to become involved in the YLD , and together we will “ Press On !” n
YLD Hosts Gasparilla-Themed Happy Hour
theyoungLawyersdivisionhostedafunhappyhourwithagasparillatheme onJanuary25atthePourhouseatgrandCentral . attendeesenjoyedthecasual networkingandopportunitytogetoutoftheoffice . thankyoutoourhappyhour sponsor , milestonereporting .
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