Y L D P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E
S e a n P . B e v i l – S h u m a k e r , L o o p & K e n d r i c k , L L P
younglawyerscanfindintheyLd , aplacetopracticepersistence , tolearnandtogrow .
One of my favorite quotes is by President Calvin Coolidge who famously said that “ nothing in the world can take the place of persistence .” In my early legal career , I often remembered Coolidge ’ s words as I experienced several challenges and tribulations with establishing my place in the practice of law . For instance , in my first evidentiary hearing I missed a crucial piece of evidence , resulting in an unfavorable ruling . In fact , my first year as an attorney was more or less characterized by constant trial and error . However , what I thought at the time was a series of setbacks and failures , actually were periods of growth and development that I now find invaluable , as they taught me lessons that I will always remember in the practice of law .
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