HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 3 | Page 32

theaiaDvantage : newtooLSrevoLutionizingaPPeLLatePractice appellate Practice Section Chairs : ­Brandon­Breslow­ – Kynes , ­Markman­ & ­Felman­ & ­David­Costello­ – FL­Office­of­the­Attorney­General
nowisthetimeto harnessthepowerofai togainnewcapabilities tobetterserveour clientsandourpractice .

The advent of numerous accessible Artificial Intelligence (“ AI ”) powered tools is disrupting the legal profession and creating new capabilities . While you may not encounter robots at counsel ’ s table any time soon , it ’ s never too early to integrate AI into your appellate practice .

AI accelerates legal research and case analysis . AI can quickly analyze cited case law and identify precedents you may have overlooked . On November 15 , 2023 , Westlaw Precision launched a generative 1 AI-powered search . While Westlaw has been using AI since 2003 , these new capabilities include the ability to “ chat ” with
Westlaw about its findings as you would with a colleague . 2 Similarly , LexisNexis announced a generative AI platform on May 4 , 2023 . 3
AI provides predictive analytics to develop strategy . AI can analyze historical data and gauge whether legal arguments were successful in the past and predict potential outcomes . A study using data from Brazilian federal courts concluded that AI using deep learning models 4 predicted outcomes of appeals better than human experts . 5 Another study used AI to predict outcomes of the United States Supreme Court , which achieved 70.2 % accuracy at the case outcome level and 71.9 % accuracy at the justice vote level . 6
AI assists in drafting persuasive arguments . Through Natural Language Processing (“ NLP ”), which gives computers the ability to understand text and spoken words , 7 AI can analyze briefs that were successful in the past and provide feedback to lawyers on how to make their briefs more compelling . AI can provide additional insight by identifying potential counterarguments and caselaw that align with your procedural position .
Technology has always impacted how we practice law , from computers replacing typewriters , e-mail supplanting handwritten
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