HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 3 | Page 33

theaiaDvantage : newtooLSrevoLutionizingaPPeLLatePractice appellate Practice Section
letters , and platforms like Westlaw and LexisNexis superseding bookshelves of reporters . Now is the time to harness the power of AI to gain new capabilities to better serve our clients and our practice .
Note that AI did not write this article . However , it could have . n
Generative AI systems create text , images , audio , video , and other content . Science & TechSpotlight : GenerativeAI , U . S . Government Accountability Office ( June 13 , 2023 ), https :// www . gao . gov / products / gao-23-106782 .
GenerativeAIProductReview : WestlawPrecision , Thomas Reuters Legal Current ( June 8 , 2023 ), https :// www . legalcurrent . com / generative-ai-product-preview-westlawprecision /.
LexisNexisAnnouncesLaunchof Lexis + AICommercialPreview , Most ComprehensiveGlobalLegalGenerative AIPlatform , LexisNexis ( May 4 , 2023 ), https :// www . lexisnexis . com / community / pressroom / b / news / posts / lexisnexisannounces-launch-of-lexis-ai-commercialpreview-most-comprehensive-globallegal-generative-ai-platform .
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning using neural networks to simulate the behavior of the human brain , allowing it to “ learn ” from large amounts of data . Whatis DeepLearning , IBM ( last visited Nov . 15 , 2023 ), https :// www . ibm . com / topics / deep-learning .
Jacob de Menezes-Neto , Elias , and Marco Bruno Miranda Clementino . “ Using deep learning to predict outcomes of legal appeals better than human experts : A study with data from Brazilian federal courts .” PloS one vol . 17,7 e0272287 . 28 Jul . 2022 , doi : 10.1371 / journal . pone . 0272287 .
Katz , Daniel Martin et al . “ A general approach for predicting the behavior of the Supreme Court of the United States .” PloS one vol . 12,4 e0174698 . 12 Apr . 2017 , doi : 10.1371 / journal . pone . 0174698 .
( NLP )?, IBM ( last visited Nov . 15 , 2023 ), https :// www . ibm . com / topics / natural-languageprocessing .
Author : Elise Engle – Shutts & BowenLLP
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