F R O M T H E C L E R K O F C O U R T & C O M P T R O L L E R C i n d y S t u a r t – C l e r k o f C o u r t & C o m p t r o l l e r , T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t
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the process but also have some flexibility to read or work while they wait to be sent to a courtroom .
Jurors have always had the option to request compensation for their time if they are unemployed , not regularly employed , or employed but their employer does not pay their regular wages while they serve .
Based on statute , Hillsborough County jurors have had the option to donate their compensation , if not paid by an employer , to a local charitable organization . At the time of jury service , jurors choose to make their donation . At the end of their service , we thank them with a letter from the Clerk ’ s office about their donation . Since the summer of 2022 , those jurors donated more than $ 40,000 dollars to The Spring of Tampa Bay , our local domestic violence shelter .
As of November 1 , those donations will be directed to a non-profit called Voices for Children of Tampa Bay , which provides support to children in foster care .
The Clerk ’ s Office rotates the designated charity each year , pursuant to Section 40.24 , Florida Statutes .
We believe community partnerships are key to our office , and this new option is another way to continue to show support for our community .
Jury service is a civic responsibility all United States citizens share , no matter the duration of your service . You play a vital role in the American justice system , and the Clerk ’ s Office strives to accommodate you as you dutifully serve .
Giving our jurors the option to donate their compensation is of great benefit to these non-profits . We appreciate not only our generous jurors for their service , but for their donations .
As always , we are here to assist in all aspects of the court ’ s business functions . If you need to conduct business with the Clerk ’ s office in the future , you can visit www . hillsclerk . com and remotely access many of our services 24 / 7 , including information regarding jury duty . We welcome your feedback on your experience so we can continually improve the process .
To learn more about Voices for Children and the important work they do for abused , abandoned , and neglected children in our community , please visit vfctampabay . org or call 813.275.9300 . n
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