HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 3 | Page 16

F R O M T H E C L E R K O F C O U R T & C O M P T R O L L E R C i n d y S t u a r t – C l e r k o f C o u r t & C o m p t r o l l e r , T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t

hillsboroughcounty ‘ generousJurors ’ raisealmost $ 40,000forLocalDomestic violenceShelter

webelievecommunitypartnershipsarekeytoouroffice , and thisnewoptionisanotherwaytocontinuetoshowsupport forourcommunity .
ury Duty — what does it mean to you ? If you ’ re an attorney , it means you are looking to ensure your client ’ s case will be heard by 12 citizens who can be impartial and fair . If you ’ re a judge , it means that on several days during the week you are hosting anywhere from 50 to 200 citizens in your courtroom and listening to the question-and-answer section of both the prosecution and defense as they try to agree on a jury . If you ’ re a juror , well , that day may look a little different .
In Hillsborough County , we call citizens to dutifully serve , summonsing three thousand jurors every week for criminal and civil trials .
The Clerk ’ s office works closely with the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit to make sure jury duty is a rewarding experience . We do our best to give as much information to jurors prior to their arrival at the courthouse , and we are excited to have recently released our “ What to know before you go ” video to the public . Please watch to see
how we are informing the public about their jury service . The video is located at : www . hillsclerk . com / Jury . Our staff does its best to provide an atmosphere where jurors can spend the day in our courthouse understanding

Attorneys Needed for HCBA Lawyer Referral Service

The HCBA would like to extend an invitation to all attorneys to join the HCBA ’ s Lawyer Referral Service . Bilingual attorneys are especially in need as the local Spanish-speaking population is underserved in the following practice areas : probate , consumer protection , immigration , landlord / tenant and business .
To learn more and to join the HCBA ’ s Lawyer Referral Service , visit www . hillsbar . com / page / JoinLRIS ..
Contact Lupe Vazquez-Mitcham at 813 221-7783 or lupe @ hillsbar . com for further information .
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