HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 3 | Page 18

S P E C I A L F E A T U R E A m y C a s a n o v a - W a r d - F L D e p t . o f F i n a n c i a l S e r v i c e s

Tampa Delegation Mission Visit to Our Sister City of Le Havre , France

The purpose of the Tampa Delegation Mission visit was to foster global cooperation , international partnerships , and cultural exchanges between the City of Tampa and Le Havre , France .

Iwas invited to take part in the Tampa Delegation Mission visiting our Sister City of Le Havre , France , that took place the week of October 1 , 2023 . I was able to attend and proudly represent the Hillsborough County Bar Association in my role as a member of the Board of Directors . The purpose of the Tampa Delegation Mission visit was to foster global cooperation , international partnerships , and cultural exchanges between the City of Tampa and Le Havre , France .

Our delegation included judges from the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit , led by the Honorable Judge Helene Daniels , lawyers , delegates from both the University of South Florida and the Tampa Museum of Art , business and maritime sector delegates led by Glenn Cooper and Deborah Wilkenson , Tampa Sister Cities delegates led by President Alfred Goldberg , and government leaders including Mayor Jane Castor , City of Tampa Councilmen Guido Maniscalco , Hillsborough County Commissioner Harry Cohen , and Maria Chapa-Lopez , former United States Attorney for the Middle District of Florida . It was amazing to be part of a delegation filled with people who represent Tampa so well in such a variety of fields .
On our first day in Le Havre , France , we were greeted on the beach with a picnic hosted by lawyers from the Le Havre Bar Association , Le Havre Connections , educators , and business leaders . They were all so warm and welcoming . Many brought homemade dishes and desserts . And of course , there was wine and cheese .
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