HCBA Lawyer magazine No. 33, Issue 6 | Page 14

E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E
J o h n F . K y n e s – H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n

hCbaContinuesfocusontheimportance ofprofessionalisminthelegalprofession

recordturnoutforhCba / abotaprofessionalismEventCapsEnd tosuccessful2022-23barYear

During the Bar year , the HCBA hosted numerous events high lighting the importance of pro fessionalism in the legal profession .

In fact , one of the HCBA ’ s stated goals is to promote and maintain the “ highest ethical and professional standards ” for attorneys .
The HCBA has a standing Professionalism & Ethics Committee that promotes professionalism .
And the 13th Judicial Circuit Local Professionalism Panel is active and works to address specific complaints about the conduct of attorneys .
So , it was fitting the HCBA capped off the 2022-23 Bar year in June with a major CLE event that focused on this important topic .
Interestingly , this comes at a time when public opinion polls show Americans are increasingly distrustful of their civic institutions — including the judiciary — and each other .
The HCBA and the American Board of Trial Advocates ( ABOTA ) hosted the annual professionalism event in June .
Prominent local attorney Chris Knopik with the firm Betras , Kopp & Markota has helped to plan the annual CLE event and to secure speakers for many years .
Knopik said the event began about 15 years ago and has grown significantly over the years .
The CLE event kicked off at the Stetson Tampa Law Center with a luncheon speaker and continued throughout the afternoon with several informative breakout sessions for both civil and criminal trial practitioners . It concluded with a happy hour at the Ferguson Law Center .
This year , a record 300 attorneys registered for the event , which is free for attendees .
“ It ’ s my understanding the event is the largest of its kind in the nation ,” Knopik told me .
He emphasized that it has been successful in part because it offers a broad array of speakers who appeal to both criminal law and civil practitioners .
Knopik also noted the involvement and strong support of the 13th Judicial Circuit , the Office of the Public Defender , and the State Attorney ’ s Office .
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