E x E C U T I V E d I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F . K y n e s –
H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n continuedfrompage12
Schifino talked about Williams ’ background and his distinguished service in the U . S . Army “ jumping out of airplanes .”
Williams got both his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Florida .
Schifino talked about the recognition and awards Williams has received over the years from his colleagues in the HCBA ’ s Trial & Litigation Section .
“ No lawyer has tried more cases in the business litigation area than Rob ,” said Schifino .
He noted the 13th Judicial Circuit , in 2018 , presented Williams with its annual Professionalism Award for his honesty , integrity and ethics in the practice of law .
Schifino also highlighted Williams ’ commitment to the Tampa Bay community , noting his leadership in numerous legal and community organizations , including Tampa General Hospital , and dACCO , now called Cove Behavioral Health , a community-based treatment facility for patients suffering substance abuse and addictions .
Williams also served as president of the Hillsborough County Bar Foundation in 2013-14 and continues to serve on its board today .
What helped Williams ’ award nomination stand out , Schifino said , was Williams ’ commitment to mentor and provide counsel to other HCBA attorneys throughout his career . For example , Schifino pointed out multiple past recipients of the Outstanding Lawyer Award as well as numerous former HCBA presidents who Williams has personally mentored over the years .
Concluding his remarks , Schifino recalled a memo about how to be a successful trial lawyer that Williams had written to him when they first started practicing law together in the 1980s .
Schifino said the memo — which he said he has kept after all these years — talked not only about learning the fundamentals about being a litigator , but also about the importance of developing a good professional reputation and being honest , ethical and fair .
Williams , in his brief remarks accepting the award , told the crowd he was honored and humbled to receive the Outstanding Lawyer Award , and that he looked forward to continuing to be active in such a great profession .
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Also at the membership luncheon , the YLd presented its annual outstanding jurist and lawyer awards . The 2022 award winners :
• YLd 2022 Robert W . Patton Outstanding Jurist Award : Hon . Elizabeth Rice , 13th Judicial Circuit .
• YLd 2022 Outstanding Government / Nonprofit Lawyer Award : Alexa Cline , Office of the State Attorney , 13th Judicial Circuit
• YLd 2022 Outstanding Young Lawyer Award : Lyndsey Siara , 2022-23 YLd President , former Sr . Staff Attorney with the 13th Judicial Circuit , now general counsel for the 6th Judicial Circuit . n
( Note : additional photos from the Diversity Membership Luncheon will be included in the March / April issue of the Lawyer magazine .)
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