HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 33, Issue 3 | Page 14

E x E C U T I V E d I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E
J o h n F . K y n e s – H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n

robwilliamsnamed2022HcBaoutstanding lawyer ; ylDalsorecognizesoutstanding JuristandyounglawyersatDiversity membershipluncheon

“ thereisnosubstituteforhardwork .” — quoteonrobwilliams ’ profileonBurr & Forman ’ swebsite
“ There is no substitute for hard work .”
That quote appears at the top of Rob Williams ’ profile on Burr & Forman ’ s website , and all those who know him would agree that quote accurately describes Williams .
Williams ’ dedication to the legal profession and work ethic are legendary , which has helped make him one of the top business litigators in the country .
In his stellar legal career that has spanned more than five decades , Williams has garnered much praise and numerous awards .
So , it was not a surprise — other than to Williams himself — that the HCBA bestowed Williams with its highest honor by presenting him with the 2022 Outstanding Lawyer Award at the HCBA ’ s diversity Membership Luncheon in January at the downtown Hilton .
The criteria for the award says it should go to someone who has exhibited superior legal ability in his or her field of practice ; has demonstrated a high degree of professionalism and ethics ; is widely recognized as a mentor to other lawyers ; and someone who has to be actively involved in HCBA activities .
HCBA President Jacqueline Simms-Petredis and Williams are partners at Burr & Forman , and she along with former colleague John Schifino nominated Williams for the award .
Outstanding Lawyer award Recipient Rob Williams with HCba President Jacqueline Simms-Petredis and bill Schifino , former law partner to Rob Williams .
Bill Schifino with the Gunster law firm , who is a longtime friend and a former law partner of Williams , made the award presentation .
In his introduction , Schifino jokingly said that when Simms-Petredis called to ask him to make the presentation , his first thought was to question why Williams had not received the award previously .
“ This award recipient is way overdue ,” Schifino told the crowd . continuedonpage13
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