Y L d P R E S I d E N T ’ S M E S S A G E L y n d s e y E . S i a r a – 6 t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t C o u r t continuedfrompage10
Government Lawyers Section , coffee and camaraderie were enjoyed by all , and nonperishable food donations benefited St . Vincent de Paul CARES . The YLd ended November with a charcuterie lesson , learning how to create holidayready grazing boards . Capping off an incredible first half of the year was our second annual Puppies & Prosecco Adoption Event at Armature Works . Co-hosted with HAWL , thanks to a grant from The Florida Bar YLd , the event benefited the Humane Society through dog adoptions and a supply donation drive .
As we look ahead to 2023 , there is even more joy , connection , fun , and learning in store for our members and friends of the YLd . Stay tuned for more information on these exciting events : Pizza & CLE Luncheon ; State Court Trial Seminar ; community service ; health & wellness events ; social activities ; and more ! In this new year , come experience joy with the YLd ! n
buddy brew Coffee for a Cause event . Left to right : Christian Katchuk , Lyndsey e . Siara , Jacqueline a . Simms-Petredis and Sean P . bevil .
YLD Pro Bono Luncheon theylDheldaspecialannualprobonoluncheonon november3 . attendeesreceivedvaluableadvicefromlocal practitionersandmembersofthejudiciarywhohaveexcelled inprobonoserviceandvolunteeringthroughouttheircareers . theattendeesalsoenjoyedafreelunchcourtesyofst . vincent depaulandBankerlopezgasslerp . a ., andwereabletotake homeafreecopyofthe “ legalproBonoguidebookforFlorida attorneysandlawstudents .”
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