Y L d P R E S I d E N T ’ S M E S S A G E L y n d s e y E . S i a r a – 6 t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t C o u r t
aswelookaheadto2023 , thereisevenmorejoy , connection , fun , andlearninginstoreforourmembersandfriendsoftheylD .
The dawn of a new year is often a time for reflecting on the past and looking ahead to the future . The transition into a new calendar year is also the half-way point in the Bar year . In my first YLd column , I shared the YLd Board ’ s focus on “ Marie Kondo-ing ” our closet of activities and programs to ensure that all we do sparks joy ( or connection or fun or learning ) for our members .
As we reflect on 2022 , I am reminded of all the joyinducing programming hosted by the YLd in the first few months of this Bar year . We kicked off the year in early August at a Rowdies soccer game with the Clearwater and Manatee YLd Bar Associations . As we headed back to the school and Bar years , we co-hosted a happy hour at Cigar City Brewing with the young lawyers from HAWL and FBA , collecting backpacks , markers , notepads , and more for children at Joshua House . As you can tell , collaboration with other organizations is important to the YLd .
Another happy hour kicked off the fall season ; this time at Woven Water Brewing . The YLd then hosted its annual Golf Tournament on October 29 , arguably our most important event of the year . Vital because it funds our
YLD kayaking event on Weedon Island
YLd activities , the scramble tournament at Temple Terrace Golf and Country Club was again a success thanks to generous golfers and sponsors . Through a 50 / 50 raffle , we presented $ 500 to Bay Area Legal Services . As if that wasn ’ t exciting enough , the next morning , the YLd hosted its second annual Halloween Walk / Run benefitting Miles for Justice . YLd members , friends , family , and fur babies donned costumes for a 1.5-mile jaunt along the Riverwalk .
In further celebration of pro bono efforts , the YLd hosted its annual Pro Bono Luncheon in early November . Local practitioners and judges — from various sectors and practice areas — who excel in pro bono service hosted roundtable discussions about balancing one ’ s day job with pro bono and volunteer service . Each participant took home a copy of the Legal Pro Bono Guidebook for Florida Attorneys and Law Students . Also in November was our first wellness event of the year — a guided kayak tour on Weedon Island . Back for a second year was the popular Buddy Brew Coffee Truck , this year stationed conveniently at The Reporting Firm within walking distance of the Edgecomb Courthouse . Co-hosted with the HCBA
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