H C B A P R E S I d E N T ’ S M E S S A G E J a c q u e l i n e A . S i m m s - P e t r e d i s –
B u r r & F o r m a n , L L P continuedfrompage8
disabilities , intellectual disabilities and psychiatric disabilities , among others .
Haley ’ s keynote provided a much-needed dive into a category of the diversity , equity and inclusion topic that doesn ’ t often get a spotlight . HCBA members learned about neurodiversity and access to justice , neurodiversity intersectionality with race , gender and sexual orientation , and eye-opening facts surrounding neurodiversity employment , both in and out of the legal profession . But while definitely a learning opportunity , Haley also armed our membership with tools to combat Ableism ( prejudice against people with disabilities ), encourage authenticity , and become inclusive of neurodiversity in our professional and personal lives .
Some of the key takeaways from her presentation were to align people to their strengths ; to design buildings , products or environments to be accessible to all ; to really think about whether an event or place is accessible to disabled individuals ; to learn to advocate for yourself and to encourage people around you to advocate for themselves ; and to really understand neurodiversity and neurodiverse individuals in a way that promotes inclusion .
Whether you were in attendance or just want to learn more about Haley and her advocacy , you can visit her website at https :// haleymoss . com . The HCBA was lucky to get on her calendar !
We all know that the HCBA has as one of its main focuses , promoting diversity , equity and inclusion in our individual members and our legal community . To that end , we have an active and vibrant dEI Committee , led by co-chairs Antina Mobley and Alexis deveaux . You can find more information about the dEI Committee on the HCBA website , as they are always looking for new members . They have several upcoming events that you won ’ t want to miss — the diversity Fair and Path to Unity Luncheon and CLE on February 13th and the sequel to the HCBA ’ s Before the Law Was Equal documentary ( details will be forthcoming in email and other communications ).
Thank you for all you do to make the HCBA great ! I am looking forward to a fantastic second half of the Bar year as your President . n
J a n - f e b 2 0 2 3 | H C b a L a W Y e R