F R O M T H E C L E R K O F C O U R T & C O M P T R O L L E R C i n d y S t u a r t – C l e r k o f C o u r t & C o m p t r o l l e r , T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t
Hillsboroughclerkofthecourt assistsinDistributionof $ 97million inrentalassistance
emergencyrentalassistanceprogramprovidesimmediaterelief toHillsboroughcountyresidentsfacingevection .
Hillsborough County and the City of Tampa ’ s Emergency Rental Assistance Program ( ERAP ) has provided thousands of renters facing evictions and mounting past-due utility bills a lifeboat during the challenging times of COVId-19 .
The ERAP program was designed to help residents who may experience hardship avoid further financial consequences affecting their living conditions . ERAP provides eligible households the opportunity for rental and utility assistance on a case-by-case basis .
In March 2021 , $ 53.8 million in federal funding was disbursed to Hillsborough County to assist renters during the housing crisis . By March 2022 , an additional $ 28 million was awarded .
The first-come , first-serve program allows applicants to apply for assistance for up to 12 months of past-due rent . Landlords played an essential role in the ERAP program by registering to be eligible for funding through a Hillsborough County registration portal .
A call center hotline and Bay Area Legal Services are also available to help residents who were required to qualify by meeting specific criteria .
As of early November 2022 , more than 21,000 applications have been processed .
With the real estate market booming , over the past year , the Tampa Bay region has seen an average increase of 24 % in the cost of rent . My team at the Clerk and Comptroller ’ s office has been navigating all of this behind the scenes . Our team not only pays all of these financial requests but pre-audits all the information renters and landlords submit .
The threat of eviction for a family or individual in need is real , and our Office ’ s Finance department is proud to be an integral part of the process alleviating that threat by processing payments and disbursing checks in a timely fashion .
There is no doubt the partnership between Hillsborough County and the Clerk ’ s Office to execute ERAP funding disbursements is providing an immediate level of relief for residents and will also have a long-term positive impact that is still to be measured in the coming years .
As we come closer to a “ return to normalcy ,” we are grateful to our federal representatives who made sure our community was valued and cared for during these difficult times . COVId-19 has forever changed the landscape of Hillsborough County .
For more information about available assistance please visit www . hillsboroughcounty . org and refer to the R3 Rental assistance page . n
Source : Hillsborough County ( november 2022 )
Municipality |
% of Paid Applications by Municipality |
City of Tampa |
29 % |
Unincorporated Hillsborough County |
65 % |
Plant City |
1.5 % |
Temple Terrace |
4.5 % |
Grand Total |
100.0 % |
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