HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 9

Installation of 2022-2023 Officers & Directors
H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E C o r y J . P e r s o n –
H i l l W a r d H e n d e r s o n
Our featured speakers discussed HCBa ’ s past , present and future at the 125th anniversary Reception and Panel Discussion . Speakers included Gwynne young , Hon . Mary Scriven , Hon . Manuel Menendez , and Grace yang .
Continued from page 6
relationship between the Bar and our judiciary . The 5k Pro-Bono River Run and Food Festival was once again a big hit , with a record number of attendees and great food & drink . All of this , and more , is a direct reflection of our members , and the value of membership in our association . So , if you are not a member , please consider becoming one , and see the value for yourself . If you are a member , it is time to renew to make sure you do not miss what is in store in the coming year . It may not be a repeat of this past year , but it will certainly rhyme . n
On Behalf Of Jacqueline Simms-Petredis
Hillsborough County Bar Association President-Elect
The Honor Of Your Presence Is Graciously Requested At The

Installation of 2022-2023 Officers & Directors

Thursday , June 2 , 2022 | 5:00 to 7:00 P . M .
Chester H . Ferguson Law Center 1610 N . Tampa Street , Tampa , Florida 33602
Sponsored by :
Complimentary attendance for members hors d ’ ouevres and beer & wine will be served
M a y - J u n 2 0 2 2 | H C B a L a W y E R