HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 8

H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E C o r y J . P e r s o n –
H i l l W a r d H e n d e r s o n

More in Store for the HCba : Let ’ s Continue to Rhyme

though much has changed within our legal community over the last 25 years , one thing appears to remain constant : the engagement and commitment of our members to constantly work toward building a better and stronger association .

Mark Twain once noted , “ history does certainly over the course of our association ’ s entire history , not repeat itself , but it rhymes .” As one thing appears to remain constant : the engagement Twain points out , our present , and and commitment of our members to constantly work future , is often inextricably tied to our toward building a better and stronger association . The past . On April 13 , 2022 , the HCBA event could not have happened without the tremendous held its 125th Anniversary Celebration , which included a efforts of former HCBA presidents Lanse Scriven and reception and distinguished panel presentation marking Tom Elligett , who led the # 125 Event committee . I would the anniversary . The panel , which included U . S . District also like to thank historian Rodney Kite-Powell for his Court Judge , the Honorable Mary Scriven , former Chief time and expertise , and our wonderful HCBA staff for all Judge of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit , Manuel of their work ensuring the event was a success . ( More Menendez , Former Florida Bar President , Gwynne photos of the event to come in the July-August issue .) Young , and former HCBA President , Grace Yang , As we draw close to the end of our Bar year , it is an discussed the notable changes the Bar has experienced appropriate time to reflect on what we have accomplished , over the last 25 years . Tampa historian , Rodney Kite- particularly coming back together following the COVID- Powell , facilitated the discussion , asking questions centered 19 pandemic . We have had a number of membership on diversity , technology , the development of the Chester networking events , beginning with our welcome back Ferguson Law Center , and changes in the legal and reception at the Vault , and culminating with our Law Day judicial landscape . luncheon , which featured Florida Bar president Mike The event drew more than 100 attendees , many of Tanner as our keynote speaker . We held a successful whom learned much about the recent history of our Bench-Bar Conference , underscoring the dynamic association from the panelists . Though much has changed within our legal community over the last 25 years , and Continued on page 7

REaD aLL about it ! REaD aLL about it !

The HCBA Lawyer Magazine is Looking for a new Volunteer Editor for the 2022-2023 Bar Year !
This rewarding position gives you an opportunity to help shape this popular magazine read throughout the local legal community . If you enjoy writing , proofreading , and have an eagle eye for errors , this could be the position for you !
For more inFormation , contact Stacy WilliamS at Stacy @ hillSbar . com .
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