HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 7

J o s e l i n e J e a n - L o u i s H a r d r i c k –
E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E P r o f e s s o r – W M U C o o l e y L a w S c h o o l
Continued from page 4
Longley case and tolling the statute of limitations on page 58 ; the Appellate Section ’ s article discussing the internal preferences of Florida ’ s Second District Court of Appeal at page 22 , the Military & Veterans Affairs Committee article regarding the use of artificial intelligence in automating decisions made by the Veteran ’ s Administration regarding dis - ability benefits at page 50 , the Labor & Employment Section ’ s article noting the removal of forced arbitration provisions in sexual harassment claims on page 39 and Ronald Ficarrotta – Chief Judge , Thirteenth Judicial Circuit ’ s article listing all of the
Thurgood Marshall Fundamental Middle School sixth grade student Christian Guettler placed first in the art competition . new judges appointed to the 13th Judicial Circuit on page 16 .
There are some other great articles about events throughout the last two months with the Bar Leadership Institute , the Young Lawyers Division , and the HCBA 5K event . As summer approaches and we all start to slow down on bar activities , this is a good time to reflect on all we have achieved and overcome over the past year as we have navigated the new normal post- COVID . Check out the special videos created to commemorate the occasion on the website www . hillsbar . com . n
For more information visit https :// www . americanbar . org / groups / public _ education / law-day .
M a y - J u n 2 0 2 2 | H C B a L a W y E R