HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 10

Y L D P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E A l e x a n d r a P a l e r m o – S y n i v e r s e T e c h n o l o g i e s

HCba yLD , HawL , and Cooley Celebrate women ’ s History Month with 2nd annual “ building bridges through books ” book Club

the book Club celebrated women ’ s History Month with the book , why they Marched : untold Stories of the women who Fought For the Right to vote by Susan ware .

The Hillsborough County Bar Association Young Lawyers Division ( YLD ), the Hillsborough Association for Women Lawyers ( HAWL ), and WMU-Cooley Law School ( Cooley ) joined forces to host a month-long book club . March is the designated Women ’ s History Month by presidential proclamation and is set aside to honor women ’ s contributions to American history . The “ Building Bridges Through Books ” Book Club celebrated Women ’ s History Month with the book , Why They Marched : Untold Stories of the Women Who Fought For the Right to Vote by Susan Ware . Why They Marched is a tribute to the countless women who worked tirelessly across the country for their right to full citizenship and the right to vote .

Continued on page 9
Book Club Co-Moderators Daniela Mendez and Bernice Dewlow
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