HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 16

F R O M T H E S T A T E A T T O R N E Y A n d r e w H . W a r r e n - S t a t e A t t o r n e y f o r t h e T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t

Modern Criminal Justice from Pensacola to key west

bringing our state ’ s justice system into the 21st Century takes a shared effort by everyone .

With the passion of advocates who wanted the world to hear , Miami ’ s police and political leaders gathered around a table this spring and delivered a concentrated course

responds to gun crimes with a suite of community services , bolstering traditional detective work ; officers assigned to social media “ beats ,” watching for online
“ beefs ” that may erupt into real-world violence ; and volunteer groups embedded in neighborhoods to get
tips on suspects and offer
strategies to combat gun violence . As one of five guests who had come to South Florida to absorb this knowledge , I leaned in and listened .
While gun violence has risen in Florida and nationwide , Miami has
healing and support .
The five of us at the head table were scribbling notes , asking questions , and taking in every detail .
I serve as chair of the
Safety & Justice Task
Force . We ’ re traveling across Florida , holding
largely kept it in check .
The reasons are many :
with local stakeholders
Miami ’ s Group Violence Intervention program that
Safety & Justice Task Force meeting .
Continued on page 15

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