HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Seite 17

F R O M T H E S T A T E A T T O R N E Y A n d r e w H . W a r r e n - S t a t e A t t o r n e y f o r t h e T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t
Continued from page 14
and community leaders to find common-sense solutions to make our criminal justice system more effective and fair . We ’ ll then take what we learn in our local visits and share the best examples and ideas with communities statewide , so we can all benefit from the innovative ideas that are working well across Florida .
Our first two Community Conversations — in Miami and here in Tampa Bay — have been eye-opening .
The discussions highlighted projects that are working right now in our state to fight gun violence and cope with the impacts of mental health and substance abuse . We heard what ’ s making a meaningful difference and why it ’ s effective . Equipped with this knowledge , our Safety & Justice Task Force can bring these excellent efforts to a larger audience across Florida — increasing their impact and saving more lives .
We also heard about failings and blind spots in the system . Bringing our state ’ s justice system into the 21st Century takes a shared effort by everyone , and we value all the voices that are committed to the goal we share of building a modern , stronger justice system .
The Task Force was created by the Florida Democratic Party last fall , but our work is nonpartisan . We want the best ideas from everyone , no matter their politics . The five Task Force members come from all over our state and represent a cross-section of the criminal justice system :
• Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren , Chair
• Teen Leaders of America CEO , Marcia Brown
• Miami-Dade Public Defender , Carlos Martinez
• Leon County Sheriff , Walt McNeil
• Agency for Community Treatment Services (“ ACTS ”) CEO , Asha Pereyra We intend to keep you posted as we pull together the results of our different discussions across the state later this year .
We are fortunate in Tampa Bay to have a vibrant legal community that continuously strives to improve the system in ways both large and small . I am excited to share our successes with the rest of Florida while bringing back fresh ideas to help our region grow even stronger . n
Construction Law Section CLE on March 17 , the Construction Law Section hosted a CLE on the Florida Construction industry Licensing board . the speaker , Richard kane of kane Construction Management , inc ., provided an overview of the board and discussed licensing requirements and governing statutes , actions against contractors and subcontractors , and the Florida Homeowners ’ Construction Recovery Fund . the Section thanks Mr . kane for his presentation and its luncheon sponsor : Huseby global Litigation .
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