HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 15

E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F . K y n e s - H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n
Continued from page 12
The YLD has offered timely and relevant programming to help younger and older attorneys alike manage the unrelenting stresses of a seemingly 24 / 7 , 365 days / year legal work environment .
Focusing on these critical healthcare issues has been especially important during the COVID-19 crisis and also now coming out of the pandemic .
HCBA President Cory Person said the recognition of the HCBA YLD was well-deserved .
“ The YLD has a strong leadership team and has provided excellent programming for our members all year long ,” said Person . “ We are all very proud of this outstanding accomplishment .”
The award nomination package the YLD submitted highlights the YLD ’ s many innovative programs and events held throughout the year , and it chronicles how the YLD continued to engage young lawyers virtually during the pandemic .
These YLD programs include : the Preemies & Pull-Ups Diaper Drive ; the Puppies & Prosecco event benefiting the Humane Society ; Law Week ; Cornhole for a Cause benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters ; the YLD ’ s annual Pro Bono Luncheon ; Coffee for a Cause ; the YLD / Student Track at the HCBA ’ s annual Bench Bar Conference ; the YLD ’ s virtual State Court Trial Seminar ; the YLD ’ s virtual book club in collaboration with other Bar groups ; and multiple health and wellness and other networking events .
Tampa Mayor Jane Castor appeared in the HCBA YLD ’ s video as part of its award nomination package .
In her taped video remarks , Castor noted the YLD ’ s efforts to give back to the community , especially during the pandemic .
“ I am proud of these extraordinary young lawyers who serve as community leaders ,” Castor said . “ The city of Tampa is lucky to have them as a partner in bettering the lives of families , and leading Tampa into the future .
Talking about the future of the HCBA , President Person said the HCBA will be in good hands when the current YLD leaders take on other leadership roles with the HCBA in the years ahead .
“ Because of the strong commitment of the YLD ’ s leadership to carry out the HCBA ’ s mission to serve the legal profession and the community , I believe the future of the HCBA looks bright ,” he said . n
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