Hazleton Area Business Citizen Feb. 2014 | Page 10
Hazleton Area Business Citizen
some of the products we use are different than what our Hispanic clients require. So I have to be more prepared. Our Hispanic clients need an appointment much more in advance so
that I could prepare.
HABC: Many newcomers to Hazleton throughout
the years have begun businesses which served not
only economic needs but also provided important
social cohesion to their respective populations. I
grew up in what was once a predominantly Italian
section of Hazleton and there used to be numerous small Italian grocery stores. These businesses which accompany new groups of people can be
labeled “pioneer” businesses. The Hispanic community has a number of barber shops and salons.
Do you see these as “pioneer” businesses, or do
you see them as more permanent fixtures of our
Donna Delehanty: I think they are going to be part of their
identity. They’re very, very good. Everybody’s hair cuts differently and their general population have beautiful, thick, thick,
gorgeous, curly hair. So those barbers cut hair differently than
a caucasian barber would. And the Hispanic barbers do beautiful work. Plus their hours are different; they open in the afternoon and stay open in the evening. Their whole culture is
different and I think that they’ll do very well in our community.
HABC: You’ve touched on some of the cultural differences between the Caucasian Community and
the Hispanic Community. Do you think that the free
market helps those differences come together or
do you think the free market might put up some
Donna Delehanty: As long as both communities are dealt
with equally. If both have to pay the same overhead, if both
are inspected, if both are permitted equally, then I think the
market will bring us together. If our businesses are doing the
same things, I think there’s always room for more businesses.
However, if we’re not treated equally by the city with all of
their rules and regulations, taxes, and inspections, then I see
that not bringing us together.
HABC: Do you as a small business owner see incentives which are extended to new businesses as
something that is helpful to the free market, or as
something that is more of an impediment?
Donna Delehanty: Probably both. As an established business, it does annoy me that people get incentives for start-up
businesses because an established business is never fully set up.
You’re growing, so you need to continue. I think in that regard
those start-up incentives are impediments to the free market.
As a small business owner, I feel we should all get a break and
some kind of incentive. However, the free market is open to
everybody. And I think we should all do it equally. It should be
equal across the board.
HABC: What is your reason for doing what you do?
Donna Delehanty: Why I’m in business? Well, of course, the
economical aspect of it, but I love what I do, I love it...or I
would have changed my profession. And I believe in our community. I’m happy to be in our community and I like to be a
part of our community. The nice thing about my business is
that it leads me into the community. I get to know people.
February 1, 2014