Hawkesbury Independent IND 170 JULY 2024 | Page 21


Flood impact- are you well informed ?

In 2021 and 2022 , a series of repeated and catastrophic flooding events in the Hawkesbury / Nepean River Valley system , severely impacted the lives of our people living in these communities and their businesses .
The ongoing consequences of those flooding events , such as insurance issues continues to impact many in our flood affected communities with increased premiums a major issue for many landowners .
However , the other area of ongoing concern relates to the sale and purchase of property . The questions asked by sellers are ; - is my property flood affected ? and - will I be able to sell my property ? When selling or buying a property in an area with a history of flooding , a good property lawyer or conveyancer will not only need the conveyancing skills required to complete a conveyancing transaction but , more importantly have the in-depth knowledge and experience in dealing with local government and planning laws which are specifically relevant to each individual property .
Here at New Day Legal we have and continue to help many clients in flood impacted areas and because of our local knowledge of these issues we ;
- ensure sellers of property in flood impacted are aware of their disclosure requirements and we recommend obtaining full and complete council zoning certificates for attachment to the
contract for sale ;
- ensure both buyers and sellers of property have a good understanding of the local council flood maps and the difference between high , medium and low flood risk ;
- for buyers , we carefully check if
there is some risk that the property may be acquired by government and if so , we make detailed enquiries for an in-depth understanding of potential acquisition ; and
- that associated conveyancer issues such as the need for buyer ’ s to obtain the insurance cover .
If you are a flood affected land owner or if you are not sure about the criteria of flooding which may apply to your land , then please do not hesitate to contact us on 9627 2051 for a complementary telephone appointment to discuss .

New Day Legal offers personal , reliable legal services that strive to achieve best outcomes for our clients .

Evelyn Beaver , our Principal Solicitor , has extensive legal experience across a range of practice areas . New Day Legal is well established in the Riverstone area and surrounding suburbs .
We are a client-focussed service and pride ourselves on delivering positive and innovative solutions .
• Contested Estate Litigation and Family Provision Claims
• Property and Conveyancing Law
• Local Government and Planning Law
• Wills , Powers of Attorney , Appointment of Enduring Guardians and Advance Care Directive
• Estate Planning Advice and Superannuation Law
• Elder Law
• Family Law
• General Business and Commercial Law

We welcome your enquiries about how we can help you . Phone 9627 2051 or email to info @ newdaylegal . com . au . Located at 47 Garfield Road East , Riverstone with easy parking ( next door to 7-Eleven ). New Day Legal – Law with Innovation

THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 170 // JULY 2024 21